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ISTC Supports the Third African Youth Nuclear Summit

ISTC Supports the Third African Youth Nuclear Summit

ISTC supported many AYGN activities, including the upcoming the 3rd African Youth Nuclear Summit (AYNS) in Accra, Ghana on 25–29 October 2021, dubbed, “The impact of nuclear science and technology applications on economic recovery in Africa post COVID-19 pandemic”.

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Workshop on the presentation of the Course on Export Control and the Master's program on STC

Workshop on the presentation of the Course on Export Control and the Master's program on STC

The Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balagyn (KNU) together with the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC) in cooperation with the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) and the Center for Export Control (CEC) with the support of the European Union, is developing a Course on Export Control followed by a Master's Program on Strategic Trade Control at the Department of "Law and Customs" of the Faculty of Law.

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Stakeholders Engagement - a Building Block to Better Nuclear Safety and Security Culture

Stakeholders Engagement - a Building Block to Better Nuclear Safety and Security Culture

Nur-Sultan, 5 March 2021. With an on-line working meeting on 24th February 2021, a group of participants and partners of Project MC5.01/15B from ten countries, kicked off a series of webinars that will spotlight Stakeholders Engagement, one of the IAEA milestones in the development of nuclear infrastructure and the spread of nuclear safety and security culture.

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The first Central Asia Nobel Fest

The first Central Asia Nobel Fest

The ISTC supports the 4 Day Central Asia Nobel Fest 2020 with the key results highlighted, a letter of appreciation received from CANF

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COVID-19! How do I protect myself and others?

COVID-19! How do I protect myself and others?

ISTC Partner ECOSF in conjunction with The Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC), WHO & Inter-Academy Science Education provide a module guide for youth on "COVID-19! How Can I protect myself and Others?"

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The proceedings of the CONDENs,from 28-30th August, 2019

The proceedings of the CONDENs,from 28-30th August, 2019

On 28-30th August, 2019 STCU and ISTC hosted a conference in Ypres, Belgium. The conference brought together young scientists and participants from 17 countries. The conference was organized by STCU and ISTC, carried out in partnership with the InFlandersFields Museum and funded by the European Union.

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ISTC Meets with DTRA & DOE US Embassy to Kazakhstan Representatives

ISTC Meets with DTRA & DOE US Embassy to Kazakhstan Representatives

Executive Director and selected ISTC staff met with US Embassy to Kazakhstan US Department of Energy Representative & US Defence Threat Reduction Agency Representative.

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ISTC and SADC Secretariat convene a Workshop on Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Transportation Safeguards

ISTC and SADC Secretariat convene a Workshop on Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Transportation Safeguards

Government officials and experts in the field of energy from twelve states – members of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) kicked off their Energy Subcommittee Meeting with a one-day workshop on the safety and safeguards of nuclear transportation, organized by ISTC and the SADC Secretariat

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ISTC, Kenya discuss future cooperation and membership in the Organization

ISTC, Kenya discuss future cooperation and membership in the Organization

Initiated by the ISTC, a meeting with senior Kenyan officials took place at the Vienna International Center on 11 February on the fringes of the 2020 international Conference on Nuclear Security.

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ISTC, the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation convene a round table on regional cooperation in security, safety and safeguards in Africa

ISTC, the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation convene a round table on regional cooperation in security, safety and safeguards in Africa

The round table was convened by ISTC and the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) during the 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Security that takes place under the aegis of IAEA in Vienna from 10 through 14 February.

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