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BACAC, EU CBRN CoE Initiative together with ISTC co-organised a side event at the Biological Weapons Convention Meeting of States Parties 4 December 2019

BACAC, EU CBRN CoE Initiative together with ISTC co-organised a side event at the Biological Weapons Convention Meeting of States Parties 4 December 2019

BACAC together with the EU CBRN CoE and the ISTC organised a side event at the Biological Weapons Convention Meeting of States Parties, titled ‘Strengthening BWC with Civil Society Involvement: EU CBRN CoE - BACAC Conference

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ISTC 69th Governing Board

ISTC 69th Governing Board

The ISTC Governing Board (GB) held its 69th Meeting on 20th November 2019 in Yerevan, Armenia

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SAC Meeting and Visit to Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

SAC Meeting and Visit to Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

The ISTC Science Advisory Committee and the ISTC Secretariat headed by Executive Director David Cleave met for their SAC67th Meeting at the JAEA Office in Iwaki Japan on 29th October 2019, chaired by SAC Chairman Tokio Fukahori

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EU Experts in Navigation Satellite Systems Visit ISTC Main Office

EU Experts in Navigation Satellite Systems Visit ISTC Main Office

On 11 November 2019 European experts from the EC Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) visited the ISTC Headquarters in Nur Sultan

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ISTC and the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority Work Together and in Parallel

ISTC and the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority Work Together and in Parallel

Mr. Ingar Amundsen, the Head of Section International Nuclear Safety, Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, who is also a representative of Norway on the ISTC Governing Board, visited the ISTC Secretariat in Nur Sultan on 7 November 2019

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ISTC and the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy jointly support a Workshop in Ghana

ISTC and the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy jointly support a Workshop in Ghana

ISTC and the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy jointly support a Workshop on Nuclear Security for Scientists, Technicians and Engineers in Ghana

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Convened by ISTC, the SADC Nuclear Regulators’ Network meets in Malawi to discuss Nuclear Safety and Safeguards

Convened by ISTC, the SADC Nuclear Regulators’ Network meets in Malawi to discuss Nuclear Safety and Safeguards

The meeting is convened jointly with the Sixth Steering Committee of project MC5.01/15B “Support to Southern African States in Nuclear Safety and Safeguards”

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Project 60 Steering Committee Holds Its Sixth Meeting in Vienna, on the Fringes of IAEA General Conference 63

Project 60 Steering Committee Holds Its Sixth Meeting in Vienna, on the Fringes of IAEA General Conference 63

On 17 September 2019 ISTC opened the Sixth Steering Committee meeting of the CBRN CoE Project 60 “Support to the Centre of Excellence of Eastern and Central Africa in Nuclear Security” convened in Vienna

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Project 60 illustrates the Useful EU – Africa Cooperation in Nuclear Security

Project 60 illustrates the Useful EU – Africa Cooperation in Nuclear Security

A Side event to the 63rd General Conference of the IAEA, entitled “EU Contribution to international security regime - Advances in nuclear security in CoE Region East and Central Africa (ECA)” took place on 18th September 2019

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ISTC Meets Partners during the IAEA 63rd General Conference in Vienna

ISTC Meets Partners during the IAEA 63rd General Conference in Vienna

From 16 through 19 September 2019 the ISTC visited Vienna to participate in meetings and activities during the IAEA 63rd General Conference

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