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Curdled milk restores nerve cells

Curdled milk restores nerve cells

Specialists from the Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry RAS have established that the products of metabolism (probiotics) of lactate bacteria that reside in the human intestine, affect the differentiation of the nerve cells.

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Multicoloured mussels

Multicoloured mussels

The Mediterranean Mussel is widespread on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black seas and it popular in many countries.

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An oil map of the sea – a view from space

An oil map of the sea – a view from space

Scientists from the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS have used radiolocation measurement data from the Radarsat and Envisat satellites to monitor oil pollution in the Yellow, East-China and Black seas and they have compiled maps of the oil pollution of these seas.

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The nose is good, but a sensor is better

The nose is good, but a sensor is better

Chemists from the Voronezh State Technology Academy, in cooperation with colleagues from the Smolensk production combine Analytpribor have developed sensitive and durable sensors to determine the concentration of hydrogen sulphide in the air.

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Satellite tracking will become more accurate

Satellite tracking will become more accurate

Researchers from the Institute of Astronomy RAS and the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute have resolved a task whereby at any given moment in a universal time scale the position and speed of artificial satellites, the Sun, Moon and other celestial bodies (in the geocentric celestial reference system) can be calculated rapidly and accurately.

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Contrasting and safe

Contrasting and safe

Chemists from the Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry SB RAS and the International Tomography Centre SB RAS have developed new, original groups of nitroxyls and metal complexes that have proved unusually well soluble and very resistant in aqueous solutions.

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The entire sky in one camera

The entire sky in one camera

Russian scientists from the Institute of Cosmic Research RAS, together with American colleagues from the National Science and Technology Centre and the Goddard Space Flight Centre, have developed a device, installed on a rotating spacecraft.

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Packaging: protection or poison?

Packaging: protection or poison?

Researchers from the Bely Institute of the Mechanics of Metal-Polymeric Systems NAS of Belarus decided to test the quality of well-known packaging materials, polymer films.

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Bacteria cooled the Earth

Bacteria cooled the Earth

O.G. Sorokhtin, a Russian scientist from the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS believes that the climate of our planet is determined to a great extent by bacteria that consume atmospheric nitrogen.

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