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Isolation and selection of probiotic microorganisms protective against radiation damages

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


This project will be performed by the probiotics consortium researchers from Kazakhstan, Armenia (via ISTC) and Georgia, Ukraine (via STCU). The project was developed in the frames of the ISTC Targeted Initiative “Probiotics and Health” (TI PROBIO). The first joint ISTC (Armenia) - STCU (Georgia) TI PROBIO project “Isolation and characterization of probiotics selectively growing on milk oligosaccharides was funded by the US DOE/GIPP Partner and has recently completed with a great success. Current “Probiotics and Radiation” Project proposal has been thoroughly discussed and developed during the 5th TI PROBIO Workshop “Probiotics-method for the maintenance of health in space and other severe working circumstances” held in Osaka University in March, 2014.
The main goal of the Project is to create a collection of probiotic microorganisms with radioprotective properties.
The following main activities will be carried out within the project:
- Isolation and identification of Lactobacillus spp from gut microbiota of healthy people from Semipalatinsk region area
- Screening of isolated probiotic candidates on radioprotective activity in DNA - comets assay and cesium biosorption
- In vivo investigation of potential probiotic strains for prevention of radiation-induced damage
- In vivo investigation of potential probiotic strains for treatment of radiation-induced damage
- Genome sequencing of promising probiotic candidate strains

Expected results and their application. New collection of probiotic strains possessing radioprotective effect will be generated. The radioprotective preventive or/and therapeutic effect will be determined in in vitro and in vivo experiments. The results of the project could be promoted to the field of health protection of people working in the heavy conditions, including aerospace, nuclear power stations, life savers in case of nuclear disasters, people subjected to nuclear weapons, irradiated cancer patients. The strains protective against radiation might be also efficient for prevention and treatment of non-radiation intestinal injures including cancer chemotherapy, heavy metal poisonings, etc.

Participating Institutions


Center for Life Sciences Nazarbayev University (CLS NU)


Pavol Josef Safarik University in Kosice


Kyorin University School of Medicine


Department of Food Science