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Surveillance of extremely dangerous diseases for fauna on the availability of the agents of dangerous diseases for humans and animals in the protected areas in Kyrgyzstan

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


The reserves are the biggest PA category in Kyrgyzstan by their total area. They occupy 241,3 thousand has. that is more than a half of the total PA. It should be noted, that the reserves have continuous characters and are created for protection of certain complexes. Due to that, they are divided into four groups: woody, botanical, zoological (hunting) and complex.
A comprehensive review of 80 years worth of reports from research institutes and publications of Central Asian countries and former USSR republics shows that there is no developed technique for monitoring a complex system of wild fauna as a primary source and reservoir of extremely hazardous diseases for humans and animals. According to current estimates, the PAs of Central Asian countries contain and concentrate the main contingent of wild fauna and this affects the epidemiological and epizootological situation in the region. This is confounded by uncontrolled transition of wild animals, i.e. migration in Central Asian countries. According to the data of Central Asian branch of All-Union Institute (1986-1989), blood-sucking insects and arthropods living in wild migrating birds and animals are the main source of propagation of extremely hazardous diseases for wild fauna.
It should be noted, that migrant bird populations (especially those that migrate south to warmer sub-tropical or tropical regions of Southeast Asia, Africa, and Arabia during fall and winter and return north to Central Asia in spring) are a key suspected source of some viral and bacterial disease propagation for Central Asia. It is suspected that birds might acquire disease agents through feeding and wintering behaviors (such as contact with arthropod populations) and then transport them back to Central Asia, and therefore the Pas, on the northern migration.

Participating Institutions


Institute of Biotechnology of the NAS


Centre de Recherches du Service de Sante des Armees-Emile Parde (CRSSA)


Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale / French BSL4 Laboratory


Health Protection Agency / CAMR (Centre for Applied Microbiology & Research)