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Expanding the Scope of Activities of the Radioecological Center for Online Monitoring in the Context of the Hardware-Methodical Base and Territorial Coverage Development

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 27 months


The project proposal is a logical continuation of the ISTC projects #KR-994 and #KR-1587 and provides for further development of the Radioecological Center’s functional. Operating performance of sensors’ prototype models created earlier will be improved within this project. Production of a series of sensors will be arranged, and the fixed network for monitoring of territories will be deployed on their basis. However sensor of such type cannot cover the major part of surveyed territory. As a rule, they are located in the settlements or in the predetermined potentially hazardous sites. Based on the concept of maximum information of monitoring studies, development of a high-sensitive mobile sensor’s prototype seems to be actual for further detection of these sites. Its advantages include ability to assess the level of background radiation on a real time basis. It is assumed that this sensor will be made as a stand-alone automatic recorder and its maintenance will require minimum operator’s skills.
The distinction of the proposed project will be the monitoring network’s development and expansion beyond Issyk-Kul oblast. Neighboring Naryn oblast faces the same problems. Tailings of uranium mines remained in Min-Kush village also pose a potential hazard. The coal mining in this area is currently carried out by opencast method. Thus, we can expect increased background radiation due to radionuclides of natural origin. The positive experience of radiation monitoring of Issyk-Kul oblast obtained during the implementation of projects #KR-994 and #KR-1587 will be applied to control the radioecological situation in Min-Kush.
Solution of these problems requires the involvement and development of special tools and technologies controlling the level of radionuclides, on-line transmission of measurement results and processing of information received with its further publication in the global information network.
The work will be performed by highly skilled specialists of the Institute of Physical&Technical Problems and Material Science of the National Academy of Sciences (Kyrgyzstan) and Ural Federal University (Russia).
Thus, creation of an integrated network of sensors will allow us to efficiently monitor the level of background radiation of the most problematic areas of Kyrgyzstan.

Participating Institutions


Institute of Physical & Technical Problems and Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (NAS KR) (IPTPMS)


Wismuth GmbH