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Resource-and-energy efficient roasting free materials for construction purposes on the basis of the activated high-silica compositions

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


Project objective: Development of the scientific and technological principles of synthesis of high-silica composites of roasting free solidification and creation on their basis of resource-and power effective technologies of construction materials with a complex of the increased operational properties.
Objects of research are high-silica inorganic aggregates of roasting free solidification based on quartz sand, industrial wastes and not scarce inorganic binding.
The methodology of the project consists in multidimensional complex study of the physical and chemical phenomena and processes – solidifications, structurizations, phase transformations which are taking place in case of roasting free synthesis of materials; research of regularities of influence on these processes of external factors, including different methods of compositions activation; detection of reserves and ways of structure control, properties and utilization properties of materials.
To achieve the goal it is requires solution of the following main tasks:
- Physic-chemical certification source of minerals - quartz sand of various deposits of the Kyrgyz Republic, silica-containing industrial waste;
- Development of methods and technological parameters of mechanical-chemical, thermal, chemical activation of compositions based on quartz sand and an inorganic binder; optimization properties of the original compositions, including using mathematical experiment planning; synthesis roasting free high-silica materials.
- Detection of mechanisms of roasting free solidification and structurization of high-silica aggregates; roles of physical and chemical processes of gelling, polymerization, nanostructuring in formation of a complex of properties of materials; ways of controlling the structural parameters of materials.
- Complex researches of correlations "composition – synthesis conditions – structure – properties" in systems "quartz sand – inorganic binding – the modifying components" for the purpose of development and optimization of technological diagrams and technological parameters of roasting free synthesis of high-silica composites. Development of the appropriate production schedules.
- Research and optimization of utilization properties of the developed materials, including their physical and chemical, mechanical properties, bioproofness, fungicidity, for the purpose of determination and extension of new materials scope in economic sector of the Kyrgyz Republic and abroad.
- Carrying out patent search and design of intellectual property rights (within activities of "Kyrgyzpatent") and "know-how" on the developed compositions and methods of their receiving.
- Study of technical and economic aspects of the offered technology of the roasting free high-silica materials; carrying out tests of laboratory samples of materials; preparation of technical documentation for the organization of trial production of the developed materials on the basis of deposits of quartz sand of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Application area: Production of construction materials; construction.
Potential customers: Enterprises of the construction industry, construction organizations.
Protection of intellectual property (existence of right security and other documents): Preparation of the request for patenting of the invention in the sphere of use of compact-grained quartz sand of the Syulukta field of Kyrgyzstan in structural and functional materials.
Raw material base: The proposed project will achieve the objective in the organization of production high-strength roasting free high-silica materials for construction purposes on the basis of quartz sand from deposits of the Kyrgyz Republic, including Syulyukta, Murgun, Karasuu, Sogutinsk and others. The most explored deposits at this time - Syulyukta. Project implementation will allow to increase efficiency of use of quartz sand which in big scales are available in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
It is planned to carry out the pilot studies on application as raw materials and the modifying components of the evils from burning of solid fuel, including ash dumps of the Bishkek Thermal Power Plant, and chloride-sodium-magnesium rock of bischofite which deposits are available in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic is planned.
The expected results: During execution of analytical and pilot studies on the project it is supposed to develop theoretical ideas of the physical and chemical phenomena, processes and mechanisms of roasting free solidification and structurization of inorganic high-silica compositions; to develop scientific and technological approaches to creation of resource-and power effective composition materials of construction assignment with the increased utilization properties; to develop and optimize their technology; to develop preproject technological documentation for the organization of trial production of materials and products.

Participating Institutions


Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University (KRSU)


University of Naples Federico II / Dipartamento di Ingegneria dei Materiali e Della Produzione


Universita degli studi di Milano-Bicocca / Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali