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ISTC met with the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan


From International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) at the meeting participated David Cleave, ISTC Executive Director, and Rashitdin Kokenov, ISTC Deputy Executive Director. The meeting was organized with the Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek.

Also at the meeting participated Chairman of the Board of the Science Fund Abdilda Shamenov and Deputy Chairman of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Assylkhan Bibossinov. 

At the meeting there were discussed results of the ISTC 76th Governing Board meeting, a new Deputy Executive Director was introduced. Also there was a discussion regarding on sourcing a replacement of the ISTC Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) member from Kazakhstan. The SAC is currently made up of 6 committee members from the ISTC funding countries currently - EU, Korea, Japan, and Kazakhstan.

During the meeting there was also mentioned a determination of the term for seeking the Kazakh Host Government Concurrence decision/approval of projects in a more timely way from the date of submission of the ISTC to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, to also compare with other ISTC member countries, up to 1 month.

The ISTC discussed issues; amongst others but not limited to issues on VAT, Kazakhstan’s contribution towards ISTC, the ISTC office building, ISTC’s new Strategic Road Map, new projects to be implemented in Kazakhstan and the region, the next Working Group and Governing Board meetings schedule and plans for ISTC’s 30th Anniversary in 2024.  

Both sides were satisfied with the meeting and agreed on further cooperation on potential joint projects, and to meet on a more regular basis in future.