ISTC met with the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Eurasian National University


On 28 September 2023 there was a meeting held between ISTC and Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Eurasian National University. 

From ISTC in the meeting participated Dr. Hendrik Visser, Senior Program Manager and Diana Akhmetova, Project Officer. From the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Eurasian National University in the meeting took part Aigul Maidyrova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Bibigul Issayeva, PhD, Acting Associate Professor, Jamilya Seitkhozhina, PhD, Associate Professor, Aizhan Khoich, PhD, Associate Professor and Zhanat Myrzakhmet, PhD, Senior lecturer. 

Parties discussed a joint project coordinated by both sides “Expansion of cognitive competence in the field of strategic trade control” and further future collaboration.