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ISTC Governing Board has a new member from ISTC Tajikistan

The Republic of Tajikistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs notified the ISTC on the appointment of Professor Khushvakhtzoda Kobiljon Khushvakht, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, as the formal Tajik Representative to the ISTC Governing Board. In this role, Professor Khushvakhtzoda will collectively review and sign project proposals submitted to the ISTC from Tajikistani scientists and researchers as well as attend and officiate at ISTC Governing Board Meeting. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan notes the ISTC's appointment of Professor Khushvakhtzoda to the Governing Board and values ongoing professional cooperation with the ISTC.
The ISTC looks forward to working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Professor Khushvakhtzoda in addressing and advancing peaceful scientific research in Central Asia.