ISTC attended the "X International сonference "Semipalatinsk Test Site: Legacy and Prospects for Scientific and Technical Potential Development"

On 12-13 September ISTC Executive Director David Cleave and outgoing Deputy Executive Director Aidyn Turebayev attended the "X International сonference "Semipalatinsk Test Site: Legacy and Prospects for Scientific and Technical Potential Development" in Kurchatov, organised by the National Nuclear Center (NNC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the auspices of NNC Director General Erlan Batyrbekov.
The conference was also supported by ISTC who have had a long and close cooperation with NNC collaborating in many project activities over the last more than 25 years. The conference also coincided with the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Institute of Geophysical Researches RSE NNC RK. In this respect the ISTC Executive Director presented NNC Director General Erlan Batyrbekov with a 30th Anniversary Commemorative Plaque to mark the achievements of three decades of unwavering dedication towards the advancement of scientific knowledge, research and innovation and expressed that the NNC and their Institutes continue their good work for the challenges that lie ahead.
The week's program included plenary sessions and sectional break out sessions, technical tours of the National Nuclear Center of RK and the former Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site. More than 200 participants and Nuclear scientists and experts from many different countries including Japan, (JAEA & Toshiba) Norway, China, (CIAE) France (ITER), Austria (IAEA), Greece, Hungary, Russia and Belarus, attended the conference.
Mr. Cleave gave a presentation talk introducing ISTC and it's activities and also spoke on the topic "Current trend and prospects of nuclear power development and on strengthening the nuclear proliferation regime for global security".